Nation Sustainable is a 501.c.3 non-profit organization involved with projects that contribute to human and environmental well-being. We are based in North Carolina.  

The types of projects we work on change from season to season. In the past, we have worked on state-wide energy conservation programs run by state agencies, and provided free and low-cost training, classes and other educational presentations on environmental sustainability topics such as green building and remodeling, energy and water conservation, and indoor air quality at the community college level, as well as at public festivals and civic group meetings.

Currently, our work is focused on developing creative projects. We also do work with buildings, planning and permaculture.

Creative Projects: We are frequently exercising our collective thinking caps to effectively bring creative project ideas at the intersection of human and environmental well-being into reality. One project we are currently exploring is an educational program to develop pathways to healthy, sustainable ways of living that are accessible everyone. And then effectively and broadly sharing, spreading and facilitating the application of that info. Do you have any ideas to share?  

Buildings: We provide green building (Energy Star, LEED, etc.) certification for new and existing commercial, industrial and government (e.g. non-residential) buildings.  The Energy Star certification, for example, is a helpful, affordable and accessible tool for building owners and property managers to demonstrate commitment to energy efficiency (and lower energy bills).  

Planning: We can work with your organization, agency or local government to study and analyze existing sustainability metrics and develop creative plans to meet your goals.  

Permaculture: A comprehensive approach to gardening, whether the context is a backyard landscape or a multi-acre agricultural operation. We offer permaculture design and installation.

Get in touch: info <at> or 704-237-0709